
You might have mail! Thank you for comming to this site, right now it is currently operating We have out First Strategy Up for Deadlock, we need some for deadlock 2 too!

Deadlock 1 hints,tips and strats.

If you would like to have one of your Hints,Tips,or Strats posted up here, e-mail me!

Hints For Playing With Maug In DeadLock 1.
In the begining of the game you should Land a colony
on a plain,
Colonize a settlement, perferable a mountian settlement or a wetlands.
First Build a Housing Complex, Then Build A Air Port. On your Colonized
Sttlement build a house.
Second, once you have your airport done put ALL of you pop. on it and Trade.
Third, In your second settlement build a iron Mine if on a mountain, or
build a PowerPlant on the wetlands.
Forth Build another house in Maug Landing. Then Build a Farm.
Fith Build a Iron Mine of on a Wetland Build a Power Plant If on a Mountain.
Sixth. Build A laser Defense in both Territories.
Seventh. Build a university and a house in maug landing. Research Automatoin.
Ninth. Take It off From their, Make Large Amount of units,Make Squads,
4 Inf. 2 Tank. 2 Jets. Mass Produce Them, and build airports and Factories for
Trade, and destroy all territories that you conquer, you get $$$.
This way you are sure to win.

Deadlock 2 hints,cheats, and strats

Hummmm...... Nothing here...
If you would like to have one of your Hints,Tips,or Strats posted up here, e-mail me!

Micheal M
