"Voici-le, attende-, ça ne l'est pas. There it is, wait-, That is not it."

This is a zip file and it the essential insides in a folder of MRP, if it does not download, right click and save it.

This is a zip file and it is a ROLEPLAYING MAP, if it does not download, right click and save it. Remember to unzip it to your wc3 directory.

Hope and Truth RP.zip

This is an introduction to triggering, download, unzip and place in your map folder, play it then look at the triggers. Note, please have some experience on how to trigger, from Starcraft or something, or have a good learning curve. Most of the stuff on this works.
This is a single player map that you just type in words to add to banks and then when you run the thingy, it will compile a sentence using a random word from each catagory bank. Its easy once you're in game. Its just for fun and it is totally editable and could be used to undertsand chat strings.
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